
Friday, October 7th**
Kick-Off Event @ 6pm (Avery Research Center)

Saturday, October 7th
Opening Session – 9 am 

Black Tourism: Doing the Business of Tourism (Wells Fargo)

Theme & Brief Description: This session will highlight the SC AATC (African American Tourism Council) strategy for expanding the tourism industry. (Invite partners to give insight how to position themselves with our content)

Run of Show 

9 am

Introduction of Moderator

9:01 am

Moderator Opening Statement & Intro of Guest – Courtney Young

9:05 am

Opening Statements from Each Panelist (2mins) Panel

  •  AATC and Foresight

9:17 am

Questions from Moderator Courtney Young & Panel

9:30 am

Q & A Audience & Panel

9:45 am

Final Statements Panel & Courtney Young

Saturday, October 7th Beatty Center

Date, Time, Location

9 am Wells Fargo Auditorium

Opening Session 
2023- 24 South Carolina & African- American Tourism

Duane Parrish, SC PRT
SC Rep. Rosalyn D. Henderson- Myers, Spartanburg
IAAM, Charleston
Reconstruction Monument Beaufort

This session will highlight the SC AATC (African American Tourism Council) strategy for expanding the tourism industry.

Session 1: 10:00 am-11:30 am

A-tax Grants: Funding For Your Tourism & Cultural Arts Programming

Brief Description: This session will feature local governments around the state as they discuss the qualifying criteria and other aspects of the program. 

Featuring: TBD

This session will highlight the SC AATC (African American Tourism Council) strategy for expanding the tourism industry.

Business Development & Loan Programs: Start or Expand Your Business 

Description: This session will feature local governments around the state as they discuss the qualifying criteria and other aspects of the program. 

Featuring Climb Fund, SC Community Loan Fund, GCRA, SC Minority Affairs 

Session 2: 11:30am- 1:00pm (Tate Center)

Concurrent Sessions II – 

SC Parks Recreation & Tourism Grants (Rm TBD)

Description: Staff from SCPRT as they discuss their grants and tourism promotion programs. 

Featuring: Becky Moore

CVBs & How they Help Your Black Tourism Initiative (Rm TBD)

Description: CVBs discuss the benefits of becoming members such as direct marketing services, brochure display services, and Opportunities to advertise in CVB publications and websites.

Special Session - Digital Media & Ads: (Tourism Promotion Track) 10:00am - 1:00pm

Social Media Best Practices (Rm TBD)
10am Megan Rutherford

Description: Create social media marketing campaigns that engage your customers and generate results on Facebook®, Instagram®, LinkedIn®, Twitter®, YouTube® and TikTok®.

Creating Content (Rm TBD) 11am- Gullah Corridor

Description: This session provides writers and non-writers alike with the fundamentals of creating compelling digital content that people love to read and share.

A Deeper Dive: Digital Marketing (Rm TBD) 12 noon Victoria Rae

Description: Prior to jumping into the tools, it is important to create a digital marketing strategy. We’ll cover:

  • Size & importance of digital marketing
  • Future trends in digital marketing – growth and future opportunities
  • Steps to creating a digital marketing strategy
  • Building a strategy from the ground up
  • Integrating digital marketing into existing marketing plans


1:30 pm Beatty Center

Working Lunch-
Strategic Planning Session

Facilitator- Rashida Jeffers-Campbell

Description: This event will feature the State Director of SCPRT as he discusses the future of the Tourism industry in SC including trends, and opportunities. 

Additional details will be announced soon including the awards show date, hosts, performers, presenters, and more. Follow us or sign up for email updates to be the first to know!